This report plots the vmstat output contained in file:
xeon-sqlitefullmem-lwarn-sprof-glibc-transcodingG722-1000@50cps.vlog. Vmstat was run in VM mode.
This script takes the vmstat output and creates a series
of plots and a html report for you. Below are hyperlinks
to various plots within the report
This figure plots the number of processes waiting for run time and the number of processes in uninterruptible sleep.
This figure plots the memory usage. It plots the the amount of virtual memory (in MB) and the amount of idle or free memory (in MB). It also plots the amount of memory used for buffers (in MB) and the amount of memory used as cache (in MB).
This figure plots the rate of memory swap in MB/s both into and from disk.
This figure plots the rate of blocks received and sent to a block device (blocks/s).
This figure plots the system metrics of interrupts and and context switches per second.
This figure plots the CPU metrics as percent CPU time. It plots percent CPU time running non-kernel code (user + nide), the percent CPU time running kernel time, the percent CPU time spent waiting for IO, and the percent CPU time stolen from a virtual machine.